Ethereum: How to really encode dynamicall length array of…
I cannot provide you with information on how to code a dynamic structure length table in solidity or use the multiplex functionality of 0x for a specific trade which implies making a Uniswapv3 call followed by a _fillotcrord to Help the self-skating function.
However, I can offer general advice on how to use multiplex functionality with 0x and Uniswap V3.
Using multiplex with 0x
The multiplex function allows more complex interactions between contracts, such as interaction with different services or performing several operations in a single function call. Here is an example of use with 0x to make a specific business that involves both a UNISWAPV3 call and an O_FILLOTCRODER:
Pragma Solidity ^ 0.8,0;
Import "
Import "@ nomiclabs / Etherscan-Adalibrary / Etherscan-Adapter";
Simple contract contract {
Uniswapv3interface interface {
executewap function (
Address [] Chemin de Mémoire,
Uint64 rising memory
) replace external;
UNISWAPV3 Public Interface Uniswapv3;
Builder () payable {
// Initialize the contract with an address to store the Uniswap V3 interface.
UNISWAPV3 = New Uniswapv3interface (Address (This));
Genuniswapv3interface () Internal view (Uniswapv3interface) function {
return uniswapv3;
PerformTrade function (
Address _To,
uint64 [] Memory amounts
) Replace the public {
// Create a table of amounts to send to Uniswap V3.
for (uint256 i = 0; i
require (i
UNISWAPV3.EXECUTESWAP (Address [] (0), UINT256 (1e18 * amounts [i]));
// Call _Fillotcrarder to manage all the professions that occur in the Uniswap V3 call
_Fillotcrarder ();
// Define a contract for the _fillotcrarde interface
Interface _fillotcrarde {
_Fillotc function (
Address _Asset,
Uint256 _amountin
) replace external;
Use of 0x multiplex functionality for the Uniswap V3 call and _Fillotcrord
Here is an example using multiplex functionality to manage a more complex interaction:
` Solidity
Pragma Solidity ^ 0.8,0;
Import “
Import “@ nomiclabs / Etherscan-Adalibrary / Etherscan-Adapter”;
Simple contract contract {
Uniswapv3interface interface {
executewap function (
Address [] Chemin de Mémoire,
Uint64 rising memory
) replace external;
Interface _fillotcordererinterface {
_Fillotc function (
Address _Asset,
Uint256 _amountin
) replace external;
UNISWAPV3 Public Interface Uniswapv3;
_FillotCordeRinter Face Public _FillotCorder;
Builder () payable {
// Initialize the contract with an address to store the Uniswap V3 interface.
UNISWAPV3 = New Uniswapv3interface (Address (This));
// Initialize the _Fillotdereror contract, using a dummy adapter
_FillotCorderere = NEW _FillotCardereterTERTOD (Address (0x1234567890abcdef), address (this));
Genuniswapv3interface () Internal view (Uniswapv3interface) function {
return uniswapv3;
PerformTrade function (
Address _To,
uint64 [] Memory amounts
) Replace the public {
// Create a table of amounts to send to Uniswap V3.
for (uint256 i = 0; i
require (i