Ethereum: How to connect to RPCPORT=9332 via LAN
Connect to the RPC Server Ethereum server in local network
Ethereum, like other blockchain networks, uses a remote processing server (RPC) to facilitate communication between customers and mining workers. The RPC server is launched in a computer network called Nodes connected via the Internet or local networks. In this article, we will learn to communicate with the Ethereum RPC server in the local network using the “minerd” mining software with the configuration supplied.
Directions for steps
- Edit your Litecoin.conf file **: As you mentioned, open the
file in the text editor and edit it as follows:
Testnet = 0
rcpuser = user
Rpcport = 9332
Server = 1
This will set the Litecoin RPC report.
- Enter Minerd Litecoin.conf :
Use pip:
Installation Mining Pip
Then open the command line or terminal and fill in the following order to enter the modified Litecoin.confMinerd file:
Minerd -c Litecoind.conf -testnet = 0
This begins the litecoin mining process on the local machine.
- Be sure to connect RPC
When the mining process is in progress, you can ensure that the RPC server is connected to the network checking the console output:
Minerd -c Litecoind.conf -testnet = 0
The “RPCPORT” option should be set to 9332.
4 Browser address (if you use a local network).
tips and variations
- If you have difficulty connecting, make sure the Internet is stable and that the RPC server is not down.
- Mineerd can be used to use the second port by adjusting the option `rpcport in Litecoin.conf.
- If you want to connect to the local RPC network of Ethereum without the use of a command line, you can also use a graphical interface or goes, such as Visual Studio.
According to these steps and adjusting the assembly as needed, you should be able to communicate successfully with the Ethereum RPC on the local computer. Happily!