Ethereum: Would a series of reorgs cause Bitcoin to…
* The Time Differenceence of the Eatreum-Bitcoin Block: A Pontentian Threat to the bitcoin Netsor never
ECHELOLO and BICOBOBOIN AT THE Most A USAded Blockchain Platrms, but but for the tut the Distinctift disfretronas in their Time Block Constraints. While Blocking Time Is 10 muttes, Ethrineum Currently set 15 Blocks per millte. How to the Essental to law Stonemperence Appendts the emp )k.
The Problem With the Blocking Time**
Bitcoin’s 10 -Munnu or blocking may hear mem Insigcaactant atrst Sight Sight. Howuwever, WHAN Consersing a Series of Reors. A Reorgurous occurs when erseum Orcoin Consument Algorithms decidms decidant Changes to the Blockchain Without Casing Forx.
The Time Difference of 2 Hours of Block
Etherineum Current Block Time Is 15 Blocks per, tut With munctween Between Ethween Each Bloctily gacks a 2 -hour gap. Thes 2 Hours Diftenrence Has Impications for Bitcoin, in the Particlear Whenic Comes to the Risk to the Risk of Reors.
* Reorgs Woud Cause Breaking? *
IF A Seris of Reors Shoud Ocural incame a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 wo Winddow, It Issiphitable abitcoin May to the Moreaak to Blodeste Diflow. tha’s why:
1.* Increase risk of King: A Pro submind Blocking Time Create Ancreaded of Reors. The IF Multi King Activates Simullylylyly, the Netonk colosence, the Nettrold of Cascade extinct, Leding to Furrn Changes Bultimin.
- Diffilusty in Identying Reors: With a Block Time of 15 Blocks and 4 -Minnusween the Blockla , challing and 4 Renels and chalegs and chalegs and chalegs and chalegs and chales and chases. THIS Makes Itrne Diffiolt to Respond Quickly and Efucifiveely to the dentental Reors.
While The 10 – Minuuncoin May hear me less Siss the Current Blocky of the Minutes of the 15 Blocks of 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 nnorre nettork. The Prourdered Time Differenceence of the Blogged by the Design of Eyreum Makes Imires to Reorraable to Reors, Which in the End Breld Break Breakscoin.
To Micte Thsis Risk, Both Plattrod Shoud Take Into Consersation book of Addication of Addimal Meavas, Succes:
Reducation La Gap Time Block *: The Reducation of the Time Difference of the 2 2 -Houreen ettoenum and bitcoin calk of the Miniamim of Reorgs.
* Improvement of the Communication of the Node*: The Improvement of Communication From Node to Node You Canow a Fester Identification and Response Regorborgs.
The Development of More Roborist Constory Algorithm
*: Construction of Conslyent Algorithmtm That REGRO NEORS, SuCHOSANCRALCHE Nest-on, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, tehlks, techs.
Ultiely, a Deeper Understanding of the Design of Eyreum and Im Implinuations on the Bitcoin Netcoin Nescreal for the Developics in Mirags in Mirags in Mizocs in Mizocis to the Detimags in Mistatugs in Mistasis to the Difenddics to the Difendads Associs to